Archivo Anual: 2017

1. What is apologetics, how, when, and why do it?

Apologetics is the part of the theology that seeks to explain what we believe and what we do as Catholics, and also exposes the mistakes that go against the Catholic faith to protect the integrity of the faith. This “theological”

Publicado en: Apologética

2. The origin of the Church

It is often said that the Church was not founded by Jesus Christ or, in any case, he did not want to start this type of Church, but a humbler one, without structures, without power. It is said that in

Publicado en: Apologética

3. The sins of the Church

And again, the world’s media echo, with a large deployment of certain offenses committed by priests or of the compensations in the millions that the Diocese must pay to the victims of these. In addition, and as if that were not enough,

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4. The infallibility of the Pope

Although infallibility no longer is a much-debated topic in the secularized countries, because the majority is indifferent and doesn’t even know what infallibility means, it is still a means of attacking the Church in countries subject to a constant and

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5. The money of the Vatican

One of the most repeated criticisms of the Church, especially in environments of low cultural level, is the one that refers to the money of the Vatican. Again, and again one hears that the Pope lives as a billionaire, surrounded

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6. Church and politics

Helder Camara, the Brazilian bishop who was a hero to some and a villain to others, once said: “When I speak of God, they tell me that I am a saint. When I speak of justice, they call me a

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7. The celibacy of priests

Although this objection made to the Church is presented in waves, there are moments in which it is given great importance, usually due to the fact that the media expose some clerical scandal, real or fictitious, it is important to

Publicado en: Apologética

8. Condoms and AIDS (I)

Aids is one of the scourges that plague humanity today. There are millions of people affected by this disease. The Church has been present since the beginning of the epidemic, next to these patients – about 40 percent of them

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9. Faith and Reason

One of the arguments used frequently by those who attack the Church is to affirm that the faith is irrational – and therefore inhuman and disposable – and that the Church is the great enemy of science and progress. No

Publicado en: Apologética

10. Those who say they do not believe, what do they believe in?

Normally we endure attacks from people who claim to be atheists or who say that they are indifferent to the fact of religion (agnostics). We have to defend against these attacks, and so arose, from the beginning of the Church,

Publicado en: Apologética
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