32. Catholicism and Masonry (I)

Masonry is a pseudo religion parallel and incompatible with Christianity. Their religious elements include: temples, altars, prayers, a moral code, worship, clothing rituals, holidays, the promise of retribution after death, hierarchy, initiation rites and funeral rites. So have declared the pontiffs since the start of that group until our days, coming to launch the excommunication of those who belong to it.

 Masonry took its name from the old guild of the freemasons. These were the craftsmen who worked the stone in the construction of great works. With the decline of the construction of the great cathedrals in Europe and the spread of Protestantism, the guilds of masons began to decline and to survive they began to receive members who were not masons. With time, the latter were a majority and the guilds lost their original purpose. They evolved into fraternities in order to make business contacts and discuss new ideas that spread in Europe.

The foundation of the freemasonry took place in 1717 in London with the union of four guilds to form the Grand Masonic Lodge as a universal league of humanity. From here soon it went also to France where “the Grand Orient of France” was founded in 1736.

The first masons were English Protestants. They were “freed” from a dogmatic Church that requires assent to revealed truths. With the new freedom grew the fascination by speculation and the syncretism. They took Adam and the patriarchs as their Patron and arbitrarily attributed the greatest constructions of antiquity, among them: Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Pyramids and the Temple of Solomon. They mixed the teachings of the ancient religions and freely took elements of the occult groups, such as the Rosicrucians, the egyptian priests and pagan superstitions of Europe and the Middle East. The goal was to create a new “gnosis” of people promoted to a higher level. As part of its syncretism, Freemasonry has no qualms in also including the Bible, which they put on their “altar.” The lodges can also be members of any religion. They bring their own sacred books that are given the same value as the Holy Bible. In short, all of them are relegated to the background.

Freemasonry is proposed as the new universal religion while the Christian Churches are relegated to the category of mere “sects.” To understand this, it is clear how Satan promotes   Masonry to fight against the true universal religion; catholic (=universal). Masonry not only exploits the animosity against the Church and anti-clericalism, but encourages and institutionalizes them.

The heart of masonry is in its symbolism, its secrecy, its mandate of mutual aid and their secret rites. The ceremonies, often long and complicated, must be memorized and known, and are made using a particular lexicon and a clothing. The common symbols of Freemasonry are very numerous, but the most known are the compass and the square, the plumb and level, the Hammer and chisel (memories of his architectural origin), the five-pointed star, columns, etc.

Freemasonry denies that it is a doctrine and likes portraying itself as a particular system of morals taught under the veil of allegory by symbols, or is a method that allows free thought and free discussion of any theme, except the method itself, with respect for the opinion of the majority. This theoretical “tolerance” is translated into a total “relativism,” that is to say: nothing exists (truth, error, sin, standards, ethics, morals, etc.) absolute and immutable. Moreover, there is no interest in the truth or moral good in itself, what is really important is the search. Therefore, the masons reject any dogmatic truth or objective morality. In particular they reject the Catholic Church as a paradigm of dogmatism. For the mason who tries to live a revealed faith is simply a bigot. It is not surprising, therefore, their anticlericalism, their opposition to the Christian sacraments and their struggle for secular education.

The true Masonic philosophy is “secular humanism,” a merely human ideology proponent of rationalism and naturalism. According to it, “nature” is guided by reason that takes the whole of the truth and, consequently, to a utopia of “liberty, equality and fraternity.” This should be the “novus ordo seculorum” (new secular order). The Masonic philosophy is a forerunner to the French Revolution and appears later in communist philosophy. Freemasonry has no place for the God of revelation. God appears as a concept and not as a person. God is the “Great Architect” who founded Masonry. Man becomes his own god, the same seduction as the serpent of old: “Eat and they shall be as gods.” In fact, in 1887 the masonic lodge of the “Great Middle East” (of which Latin America Freemasonry is inspired) formally eliminated the need for its members believe in God or in the immortality of the soul. The Christian symbols of the culture received a secular interpretation. Thus, the Cross became a symbol of nature without major consequence. The letters “INRI” on the cross of Jesus, came to mean “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” (the fire of nature renews all things). Some masons say they “believe” in Jesus Christ but, if they are consistent with the masonry, do not believe in Him according to the Christian sense that recognizes Him as God. They consider Him simply as the major apostle of humanity for having surpassed the fanaticism of the Romans and the priests. Jesus is the “Great Teacher,” but, in order not to offend other religions, the name of Jesus was banned in the lodge.

The old masons jealously guard the secrets of their craft. With the new Masonry, the desire of secrecy and was imposed strictly to the members in the rites of initiation. Candidates must make an oath not to reveal the “secrets” of freemasonry under penalty of self-mutilation or execution. The mason expresses the desire to search for “light.” Then it is assured to him that he will receive the light of the spiritual instruction that was not able to get in another church and that he will have eternal rest in the heavenly “lodge” if he lives and dies according to the Masonic principles.

Freemasonry has an extensive hierarchy composed of 33 degrees. The mason “Apprentice” (first degree) swears: “I will not reveal any of the secrets of freemasonry, under penalty that they cut my neck.” The mason “Companion” (second degree) swears: “I will never reveal any of the secrets of Freemasonry to non-masons, even to the learners, and this under penalty that they rip out my heart and that my body to be thrown to the crows.” When you get to the 30th grade (called “Kadosh”), you must step on the papal tiara and a royal crown, symbolizing the repudiation of their greatest enemies, the Church and the Monarchy. Then he swears to liberate humanity from the bondage of despotism.” Each mason does not know what they teach in the upper levels. Here is the great irony: the masons are considered free thinkers to comment without relying on the Bible or the Church and, however, are tied to the lodge under the most severe threats. The Masonic influence is powerful both in politics and in business. When the Freemasons have taken control of a government, as in France in 1877 and in Portugal in 1910, have established laws to restrict the activities of the Church.

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