Archivos Mensuales: September 2017

21. Stem cell research

The Church opposes the investigation with “stem cells”. That is what is said. And it is true, but it is not the whole truth. For it should be added that only when, in order to obtain these cells and human

Publicado en: Apologética

22. Economy and moral

Some believe that the Church is only concerned about moral issues relating to sex or to the origin and end of life. They think that the rest does not matter. And, in that rest, is nothing less than the whole

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23. The silence of God (I)

Why God has allowed the “tsunami” that has swept Asia? This question has been made a lot recently. With variations, it is repeated every time there is a catastrophe or each time which, on a personal level, a problem violently

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24. The silence of God (II)

In the previous chapter, also dedicated to the “silence of God”, that is to say, the apparent indifference of God to human suffering, we saw that the great argument of our faith in the love of God to man we

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25. Catholicism and tolerance

When you try to pass a law – or it is approved – which goes against any Catholic moral principle, it is common to hear this argument: “Why are Catholics bothered? No one is forcing them to do that” Or

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26. Education and rights of parents

10 Spanish organizations made public – in 2006 – an agreement by the education and freedom for which they undertook jointly to defend the right of parents to choose the education they want for their children. The undersigned organizations have

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27. The historicity of Jesus

Once in a while voices are still heard that call into question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth. Especially at Christmas time, we usually talk about whether Jesus was born on this date or another, which ends by concluding,

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28. Relativism according to Benedict XVI

 Relativism has become the great question of debate in philosophy and politics. Linked to this is the question of the limits of parliaments to pass laws that go against the natural law. If everything is relative, nothing should be able

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29. Can you be a Christian without Christ and without the Church?

“I am a Christian and I pray to Christ, but I don’t want to have anything to do with the priests and the Church.” This phrase is said and you hear very often at the grass-roots level. At another level,

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30. Violence, pacifism and peace

The terrorist threat has brought the world to the brink of collapse, such as was not since the times of the “cold war,” when the two superpowers were armed in an unbridled race to see who could destroy the enemy

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