Archivos Mensuales: September 2017

31. Christianism and progress

The reaction against Islam by its violent rejection to the caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed published in some western media, has served to attack religion hard and, above all, Christianity. It has been accused of being responsible for all the ills

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32. Catholicism and Masonry (I)

Masonry is a pseudo religion parallel and incompatible with Christianity. Their religious elements include: temples, altars, prayers, a moral code, worship, clothing rituals, holidays, the promise of retribution after death, hierarchy, initiation rites and funeral rites. So have declared the

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33. Catholicism and Masonry (II)

We continue in this chapter with the issue of Freemasonry and the prohibition that the Church sets of belonging to it. But to understand the why of this prohibition it is necessary to understand not only the concept of God that is

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34. Catholicism and Masonry (III)

We ended up with these lessons devoted to the position of the Church against Masonry. Now we expose some of the major pronouncements of the hierarchy of the Church, placing special emphasis on the most recent developments after the Second

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35. Reincarnation (I)

A well-known actress, not too long ago, declared in the interview granted to a magazine: “I’m Catholic, but I believe in reincarnation. I found out that this is my third life. First, I was an Egyptian princess. Then, a midwife

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36. Reincarnation (II)

In the previous chapter dedicated to the reincarnation, we saw how God was revealing to the people of Israel – as the Old Testament relates – that life is one and that the soul and the body are two realities

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37. Are all religions the same?

One of the errors of our time is to consider that all religions are equally valid to achieve man’s salvation. It follows, among other things, that you can choose the one that is most comfortable. However, the truth is that

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38. Spanish bishops talk about laicism

In November 2006, the Spanish Episcopal Conference adopted a document entitled “Moral Orientations on the current situation of Spain.” Among other things, the document addresses the serious problem of the growth of secularism in our country, which is evident, for

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39. Church and Politics

Whenever the church speaks about an ethical issue that also has a political dimension, it is accused of meddling in matters that are not within its competence, to opt for a particular political party, of being an enemy of democracy.

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40. The civil responsability of the catholics

Christians have the right to make their voice heard in civil and political issues. This has been one of the points of the annual speech that Benedict XVI made to the Curia in the past month of December. After commenting

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