January 12, 2025.
“Now as the people were in expectation, and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not, John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Luke 3, 15-16)
Although in the majority of cases the modern day Christian experience is to feel ridiculed for being so, sometimes we encounter different situations. There are people who tell you that they envy you for your faith, since they know that thanks to your faith you have more strength, more insght, more hope and less lonliness. Leaving aside the mystery of faith, which is a gift, you can tell those who feel this way that to find something you must first look for it and one way of looking is to start, putting it into practice. If it is the doing that makes the experts in all fields, why shouldn’t it be the same with faith? Isn’t it true that when you stop cultivating your faith it ends up cooling off in your soul and sometimes even gets lost? Then why shouldn’t the opposite happen if we do the opposite?
In reality, the greatest enemy of our faith is neither the argument over the existence of evil in the world nor any other philosophical question. Not even the fact that the faith gives you a moral conscience which is very bothersome. The greatest enemy of faith is laziness, comfortabilty. How many Christians are there who say they don’t go to mass because they get bored, while all they have to do is go a few miles to find a lively parrish, in which the Sunday masses are not boring? However they prefer to say that the mass is a bore as an excuse to not go to mass.
He who looks, finds and he who truly wants to find Christ looks for him, as those people who looked for John thinking he was the Mesiah.
Intention: Do I spend all the time I should on prayer and religious activities? If I am cold mightn’t it be because I don’t pray much? Do I bother to mold myself, to read, looking for the help I need?