Sunday XXIII: Learn to hear and speak

September 8, 2024.

People were overwhelmed with amazement.”He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”.  (Mark 7, 31-37)

                The miracle of the “deaf one who could hardly speak” brings with it two lessons. The first one comes from the fact that Jesus, to cure this cripple, “put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue.” That is to say, he touched him. Christ needed to “touch him” to cure him. He needs, therefore, to have a close relation with you, of affection, without this realationship it is very difficult for Him to acomplish the miracle of the conversion of your heart. He wants to be near you, to “touch you”, but if you withdraw from his side, if you don’t give him the opportunity to touch, you don’t let him work the miracle in you.  How do you let Jesus get close? Increase prayer and, above all, take communion more, which is the most intimate contact possible, since by this means, Jesus enters us and we transform into Him.

         The second lesson comes from the miracle as such, that the onlookers will sum up saying “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” It means that the conversion that Christ performs in us will make us able to hear those who suffer, while before we passed by their sides indifferent, at the same time, He makes us talk- without yelling, always with peace, but with courage-, to defend the rights of the oppressed, to defend the Church, to evangelize, to defend the unborn, to defend the abused woman; to defend all those who for whatever reason are victims of injustice.  When Christ “touches” you nothing is the same; get back the eyes that see, the ears that hear, the mouth that talks. In reality, you are getting back your heart; you are getting back your humanity.

Intention: Get closer to Jesus so he can convert us. Learn to hear our brothers when they suffer and to defend those who suffer injustice.

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