14. Why protest the Protestants? (II)

In the previous chapter we saw how the different protestant churches justify their existence by saying that the Church founded by Christ was corrupted and that it was necessary to establish a new one. Each one of them, in turn, said that it was true one because the others are corrupted. Now we see how Christ wanted deliberately to found an institution, the Church which should be a mediator between God and men.

When the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, presided over by Cardinal Ratzinger, published the document “Dominus Iesus” in the year 2000, the Church was intended to make things clear apropos to the divine origin of the church and its mission, explicitly by its dear founder, Jesus Christ.”The universal mission of the Church is born from the command of Jesus Christ and is fulfilled in the course of the centuries by the proclamation of the mystery of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the mystery of the Encarnacion of the Son, as an event of salvation for all humanity.” The document says, to add further on: “The Church, in the course of the centuries, has proclaimed and witnessed with fidelity to the Gospel of Jesus”, passing by the accusations of the Protestants that the Church has been corrupted and has ceased to be faithful to the mission entrusted to Her by Christ. In addition, It denounces reported attacks against “truths such as the definitive and complete character of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the nature of the Christian faith with regard to the belief in the other religions, the character inspired by the books of Sacred Scripture, the personal unity between the eternal Word and Jesus of Nazareth, the unity between the economy of the bedridden, and of the Holy Spirit, the unity and salvific universality of the mystery of Jesus Christ, the universal salvific mediation of the Church, inseparability – even in the distinction between – the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of Christ and the Church, the Catholic Church in the subsistence of the one Church of Christ”.

Christ founded the Church

“Dominus Iesus” makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the mediator and the universal redeemer, but insists that he founded a Church and that She has faithfully continued to fulfill its mission until our days, regardless of the personal sins of its members, and that it is She represented in full only in the Catholic Church. This was not liked by those who in reality did not understand the meaning of true ecumenism and believe that this is a kind of agreement by consensus where all parties must give up something in order to reach a final compromise.

The fact that the Catholic Church, based on historical data as well as in the persistence of the same doctrine, is presents a Herself as the only one capable of teaching the full message of Christ to men, they found offensive. In the Catholic Church, says the document, there exists the Church of Christ. And what does exist mean? It means the opposite of what the Protestants claim. They claim that the church of Christ was corrupted, and by being corrupted, it necessarily disappears, ceases to exist. But this can only come from the most supine ignorance, because the basis of Protestantism is that: The Church of Christ was corrupted. And why do they say that? Because they are forced to, as if the Church of Christ is not corrupted. Then, when they founded a Church, who is competing against Her? If Christ founded a thing and its evangelical pastor founded another, who are they competing against? Christ.

Without justification

The evangelical pastors are not fools. They know that if the Church of Christ subsists, if She is still alive and intact after 2000 years, they have no justification to found another church. For this reason, the strength of the protestants is not in the truths that they claim, but in the attacks that they make against the Church of Christ, that’s why they are called Protestants because they cannot do otherwise but protest. And against what do they protest? Against the corruption of the Church of Christ and in this way they believe that it is justified to found another.

But there is something wrong with that statement they make when they say that the church of Christ was corrupted. They think they are defending Christ, but in fact they are attacking. Why? The answer is obvious. What is the Church of Christ?  Is it a human institution or is it a Divine Institution? Christ said: On this rock, I will build my Church. If this is the case, if He added that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, then the Church has not been corrupted ever and what have they done to found other churches is to divide Her instead of helping, as did the Saints, to purify it. To say that the church has been corrupted, they believe they are attacking the Church to justify the existence of their many churches. On the other hand, they are saying that Christ was wrong. They are telling the Church that Christ instituted, not served, because in less than three hundred years the Church was corrupted. According to them, in the time of Constantine idolatry had already been introduced. Then they say: I pastor, I a Protestant pastor, I am going to make a Church more holy and better than that of Christ. Of course, they do not say so, but the bottom line it is what they proclaim! Because if the church of Christ was corrupted, that means that Christ did not know how to do things, and not only that, but Christ was not able to fulfill His promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. In a few words, they pretending to defend the gospel, self-appointed founders of a Church better than that of Christ. This they may not do this consciously, but that comes from the error to conceive the Church as a human institution and not as a divine institution; unfortunately, this error occurs even within some Catholic circles. That is the origin of the rebellion and disobedience to the Holy Father, at the request of that mud is decided by popular vote; that is only to consider the Church as a human society.

Inseparable unit

That is why the document “Dominus Iesus”, after speaking that Christ is our only Savior, happens to speak in chapter IV of the Church. And affirms that the church is of Christ and, although the members and the head which is Christ not be identified, are inseparably linked. The Church with Christ forms the total Christ. The Church is the body of Christ, which is a truth contained in the New Testament. Christ is the Head, we its members, if the Church is the body of Christ can the body of Christ become corrupted? This is the question that both Protestants and Catholics rebels and the dissident theologians should make. If Christ is the head of the Church, should we or should we not obey the Church? If the Church is the body of Christ, we must love the Church? If the church is the bride of Christ, we can affirm that Christ divorced of his Church and was with another? It is necessary to be honest and to draw logical conclusions. If Christ loved His Church and gave Himself up for Her, you decide, on the other hand, to hate and persecute Her and still you dare to call yourself a Christian?

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